Slot Products

TQ Wire's RC products are designed to give the racer a competitive edge. Engineered to deliver high performance and value.
Below are some examples of our “best of class” philosophy, all TQ innovations.
Leadwire that is designed for a specific application, not purchased “off the shelf” from a wire distributor. Supplying the slotcar racer with these advantages:
- Flexible wire produced from either 413 or 441 strands to resist breakage.
- Bare copper conductors that helps prevent the “wicking” action that plated conductors produce, which stiffens the wire and contributes to failures.
- Dragwire made from a 16 gauge conductor with 661 strands to deliver extra capacity for high current applications.
- Clear silicone insulation to help you keep track of the condition of your wires, along with our “trademark” neon orange and blue.
Clips produced from silver plated copper.
- Die formed to perfectly fit the guide and reduce weight.
- Significantly reduce resistance by using silver and copper as opposed to brass.
16D can screws.
- Larger diameter than the ones supplied with the motor to eliminate the problem with stripped OEM endbell threads.
- Custom designed to be used with .050 hex wrenches.
- If you race 16D style motors you can understand what an innovation these really are.
Support your local Slot Car raceway! In the event that they don’t carry our products…tell them they should! Until they do, you can check out our slot car products on our Slot Car Products pages or visit one of many fine online slot car mail order specialists.